
my new favorite website

Recently, my favorite bartender at my favorite pub wore a t-shirt that read I HEART HEART (the heart was, obviously, an image of a red heart, ie: I LOVE LOVE) Who doesn't? I've been trying fruitlessly to find one for myself, and in one of my recent searches, I found a site that lets you customize your own I HEART paraphernalia. I could spend hours on this site creating hilarious swag for my friends and family.

Like this hat for when my mom and I go to Brimfield:

Hello, instant haggling karma!

 Or this tote bag for my best friend:

Or how about this great bumper sticker for the back of your Subaru:

Or this hoodie for your (smelly) neighbor:

Or these skivvies for the bride-to-be:

For the following few, I'm pretty sure they just downloaded the Department of Labor's website... some of these are funny for no apparent reason. I might just order one for the heck of it. Talk about a great conversation starter.

What or whom do you love, and would you announce it to the world on a shirt/hat/thong/hoodie/bumper sticker if you could?

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