Yesterday turned out to be a pretty surprising day. I woke up ready to make my morning juice (check!) and intending to throw together a little lunch salad using some bulgur I prepared simply the other night. But while I was looking at the chopped tomato, onion, pepper and feta cheese on the cutting board that I had prepped for said lunch salad, I was suddenly struck with the inspiration to make a fritatta. Or fri-TA-TA, as this guy says:
You'll have to watch the movie "
Morning Glory" if you are like
huh??? at this reference. And I'm sure you are, because I had no idea this movie existed until I watched it with a group of friends at my parents' house this weekend. Allow me to get back to the fritat... while hosting this lovely group of girls, I made a fri-TA-TA on Saturday morning. Not to toot my own horn, but it was my first fri-TA-TA and it was pretty darn good. In fact, since last weekend, I've found myself looking at all the food around me and thinking: how I can transform you into a fri-TA-TA? Here's a breakdown of what happened, in photos, of course, because I'm too lazy to give you instructions.

After my success with the bulgur earlier that morning, I still had about 3 cups of the stuff leftover when I got home from work. I really didn't feel like chopping more vegetables, and by the time I started thinking about dinner, I was halfway through a glass of red wine, and my mind and belly began to wander toward things of an Italian nature. So I decided to make a casserole. Not so unlike a fritat, really. A dinner version, perhaps? But without the eggs.
This use of the bulgur was even better than the fritatta, and I swear to you, a few times throughout this freestyle recipe situation, I was like, WTF am I doing right now.
Like here.
And this was when my stomach started to get the better of me and I pondered how good it would be simply scooped into a bowl.
yeah, that's a whole lot of parmesan cheese
But I persevered, knowing that fresh from the oven with a nice crusty top was how this casserole was born to be made.
And thus, I bring to you, my crunchy
Bulgur and Broccoli Bake. I've decided that I don't like the word casserole. Anything heretofore refereced to as "casserole" shall now be called "bake". I'll get the instructions down just as soon as I can.
Today's leftovers are already calling my name.
I hope you have a surprising weekend!